Happy Birthday to me! I know, this post is coming a week after the fact and I told mommy that everyone wants to see my birthday pictures...but she told me to be patient! Doesn't she know by now that I'm not patient...if I was, I wouldn't have decided to come into the world 3-months early!
So let me tell you about my birthday! My birthday was last Saturday and daddy had thought it would be nice if we went to visit the nurses in the ICN. I thought this was a great idea...I missed my friends in the hospital. I saw a bunch of people that I recognized but I didn't see any of my primary nurses. I was starting to get bummed but then I heard someone say "Hi peanut!" Only one person calls me peanut and that's Patty! I was real happy that she was in work that day because I didn't get to say good-bye to her when I left the hospital. I didn't see Meghan or Kim, but Patty said she'd tell them I said hi. Patty and Meghan are going to have little peanuts like me soon! I'm real happy for them, I hope they have helathy babies just like me! Patty told me to come back and visit again and I think I'll take them up on the offer, I'm sorry that I didn't stop in when I was down there for my follow ups. I will definitely visit when I have my follow up eye exams!

After the visit at the hospital Oma and Poppy came over to our house and they sang to me. They tried giving me some cake but I wasn't too fond of it. It kind of reminded me of the paints I play with at school and they're icky!

Sunday was my birthday party! I got dressed up like a fairy (mommy and daddy refer to me as their TinkerBell) and I had a fairy themed party. Keri and Courtney even dressed up and wore fairy wings! I was feeling a little bit under the weather during my party. I was pretty cranky...I'm just now starting to feel better. They gave up on trying to give me cake so instead they tried giving me a cupcake. I still wasn't having any of it...they'll just have to try to get me to put my hands in it next year.

Here is a general update on what I've been up to since my last post. I weigh 12lb 14.5oz and I am 25.5 inches long! I am crawling all over the place but my real passion is walking! Don't get too excited, I can only walk while holding my mommy or daddy's fingers, but I won't be needing them soon. I can pull myself to standing and I can cruise along the couch (I'm still kind of slow with this but I'm getting there). Tony and Danza (my cats) are beginning to get nervous whenever I'm around...they never know when I'm going to get their tail!
I know you're all not going to be happy with what I'm about to say...but this is my final entry in the blog. It has been a great year, although at times I know things seemed scary, especially those first few months. I thank you all for your continued prayers. If you are interested in knowing how I'm doing, please feel free to call or email my mommy or daddy and my grandparents.