Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Boo! I tried showing my support by wearing my new hat for the home opener. Maybe because it was the first time I was wearing it and it just threw off the team. I'll have to wear it every game day now so they get used to it...maybe that will help, maybe!

Now an update, I'm still on the nasal canula and I'm doing great on it! My respiratory rate tends to go up only when I'm being held. This is because I'm using some energy to maintain my body temperature but I say it's because I'm excited and happy to be held! I was getting real excited yesterday when I was being held, not so much when mommy was holding me, I'm used to her now, I was more excited when Oma was holding me!! That was a nice treat for the both of us! I must be doing really good, because Mommy didn't even like people touching me, let alone hold me!

I had my eye exam again yesterday too, the results were immature again. That's the story of my life, everything about me is immature :( I hope I'm big just like Sophie, she's in an open crib now! I'm so happy for her but I'm going to be sad when she goes home with her mommy and daddy, I'm going to miss her.

Today they increased my feeds again I'm getting 22mLs of food now. Instead of getting it over the course of an hour, I'm getting it via gravity. They're just going to hang the syringe over my head and let it go! I used to get fed this way but once the feeds increased my belly wasn't happy. It was too much too fast! I really hope that the same doesn't happen today. I think I should be good because my belly definitely has matured, just look at those pictures!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamison,

Just keep wearing the hat it will help, Im sure... GO E-A-G-L-E-S!!!

I told you I check this page every day, but I cant tell how AMAZED I am since yesterday. You really look a lot STRONGER!!!

Dont worry about being immature, in a way or another we all have been through this... ;-)

Keep growing cutie!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, Jamison.

The eagles can surely use some good luck. Maybe the hat will help.

It's good news that you are getting more at each feeding. It will help you get stronger, sweetie. You are looking great.

Love, Aunt Lynne

Anonymous said...

Dear Jamison- I can't wait to meet you in a few months.Hopefully we can be good friends like our mommies are! And ps- my daddy was very sad last night when his Eagles lost! Keep wearing that hat to bring them some good luck- I think they will need it. :)

Love, Ava Carleigh Leeb to be!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamison;
Look, the Eagles could have won that game Sunday if they had only followed your example. You see, they were "just holding back". Well, you're not "holding back" and you're showing the whole wide world that you're smarter than the "Eagles" Football Team. I'm going to talk to the coach and see if I can't get him to take a few "pointers" from you. "You go girl".
G.U.J. & G.A.D.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jamison, you made your Oma's day by letting her hold you!! She was excited about the possiblility that you would be ready the last time I saw her.

Glad to see that you are doing so well on the nasal canula...you really turned a corner..just keep resting and growing!

Anonymous said...

You are getting more beutiful every day. When you get older daddy going to chase those boys away.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamison,
This is my first time writing a blog, ever! I am not technologically inclined. But I have been checking your website to see how you are doing. I am so happy to see how big you are getting. Before you know it you will be out in the real world. I live right around the corner from your uncle tommy and am a friend of your mom's from work and I can't wait to meet you. I think it is time for your Phillies hat...they're doing better than the Eagles....

Anonymous said...

Hi "Little Darin";
No "updates" today I guess. Oh well, I'll check in tomorrow. Did I tell you that I bought a big diesel truck. I can't wait until I take you for a ride in it. I know you'll like it as you'll be up above most of the other vehicles on the road. For some reason (which I don't understand) it makes you feel good to be higher than the other cars around you. I think it's a "power" thing. At any rate, I'm sure you'll enjoy it when I take G. Aunt Dee and you for a ride.
G.U.J & G.A.D.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamison

When do I get to hold you? I come to see you just about everyday. I'm the one who keeps you informed about the world affairs. I'll just wait my turn.

Psssss, don't tell your Mom that I touch you when I come in & when I leave. It's our secert.

Looks like your EAGLES hat didn't work two weeks in a row. Try the EAGLES binky.

Just remember one thing, we are PENN STATE.

Will see you tomorrow.

Love you always:
