Tuesday, September 25, 2007

North Nursery...

Well, it looks like I may be on my way to the North Nursery. This is a good thing, although I don't want to go there. I want to stay with Nurses Meghan, Patty, Kim and Diane! They're not in North all the time. The North Nursery is the transitional nursery...this is where the babies go when they're getting ready to go home. Now that doesn't mean I'm ready to go home anytime soon, it just means that I'm not "critical" anymore and I can hang with the big babies! I'm down to 1 liter on the air pressure of the nasal canula. I was at 2 liters and 1 is lowest. If I'm at 1 liter at 21% oxygen without any desaturations, then the next step is to take the canula out! I would breathe naturally just like everyone else! So far so good on the 1 liter...

After the breathing, the next step is the eating. Nurse Meghan tried giving me a little bit of the bottle again today, but I Bradyed. They may try me again tomorrow, I don't know. It's that whole suck/breathe/swallow combination that I can't quite do just yet. I'm still a little bit young though for that though, I hope to master that by the end of next week...
After the breathing and feeding comes the weight. Of course I'll be gaining weight as I master the other two, but I need to be at least 1800g (4lbs) before I can come home. There is a chance that I can come home smaller than that, but I'm shooting for 4lbs anyway. I don't want to be too small, Danza will think I'm a mouse he can play with! Today I weigh 2lbs 9oz!


Anonymous said...

Hello pumpkin! I am missing you terribly. Oma's a bit under the weather, so I won't be able to see you for a few days :( I'm so proud of you! Keep growing and getting strong. I love you!

Anonymous said...

It all sounds like good news Jamison. Just think of it as moving to a new, exciting hotel! I'll bet that all of those lovely nurses are going to come and visit you in the North Nursery, they won't let you get away that easy. Plus, I'll bet you there are more great nurses waiting to greet you in your new "temporary" home. You will be sure to dazzle them too, just as you have me every day. Keep growing baby girl!

Diane O.

KenS said...


I know you will miss your nurses. Still it is a good thing be going to new nursery. This another big milestone towards being able to go home. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

look at you...big gigunda girl!!! You look huge!! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

What a wonder - you could be going home sooner than you think. Your growing in leaps and bounds everyday. You will soon master that breathe/suck/swallow and than off you go.
Don't be afraid to go to your new home - the nurses there will be nice to and your old nurses can come and visit and hang out whenever they want.

Keep putting the pounds on!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW little mama, your getting so big and strong, before you know it you'll be 4lbs, it will happen so quick, soon enough you will be at home with your sisters and mommy and daddy. Keep up the good work baby girl.
