Wednesday, September 19, 2007

First bottle feed!

I weigh over 1000g now! I'm at 1070g, which comes to about 2lbs 6oz! I'm still doing really good on the nasal canula. I've been having some Bradys but that's normal. They increased my caffeine to coincide with my increased weight. This should help me not have too many Bradys. Other than that there are no changes. Well, just one little change...Nurse Kim wanted to see if I could handle the bottle...and sure enough I did! She only gave me 5mLs for the first time and she's only doing it this one time. She'll have to see if the doctors want to try it again tomorrow. I hope so...that was fun!

You know, one thing I'm not too fond of....baths! Mommy really likes it though. But I don't like it when my face gets wiped, I cry. When I my body gets washed, I cry. I like it when I'm dried off and when I get dressed again. It's always fun to see what outfit Mommy and the nurses put me in next!


Anonymous said...

Hello pumpkin! You look soo cute in your new little (big!) outfit. Don't worry, you'll get to love taking baths, and I can't wait my turn to give you one. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Angel Girl!!

Way to go - I can't believe that you are drinking from that big ole bottle!! Your baby steps are getting bigger and bigger each day!!

Love You!!

Anonymous said...

HEEEEEYYYY!!! THAT IS AWESOME!! I can't believe you drank from a bottle are starting to take the first steps towards coming home!

As for the baths...half of your friends over in the Wolff househould hated them too when they were babies...heck some of them still get used to them though.

Good Girl Jamison!

Anonymous said...

You are the bomb Miss Jamison!

Congratulations on your first bottle feed - you are such a big girl now . . . Wow, the progress you are making is wonderful!

When you get bigger you will love baths, believe me. Nothing like a nice bath, some candles, a glass of milk and relaxing in the tub! When you get bigger you will know just what I mean.


Anonymous said...

What a big girl Jamison, drinking form the bottle!! Daddy was just telling me on Sunday how you might start bottle in a few weeks and look you already started. I'm sure you will get to like baths when you get a little bigger, it's fun when you have some bath toys and can play in the water, you won't want to get out I'm sure. Keep up all the good work!!! Your a strong little girl!!
Can't wait to meet you, maybe this weekend I hope.

Hugs and Kisses,

Anonymous said...

I just knew it. The way you've been eating you're going to turn into a "Porker". I don't know if you're aware of it or not but you have a lot of good athletic stock in your family. Now you know where your "fight" comes from. Poppy played "football" under the wise tutorage of "Terrrible Tom Wagner". Poppy broke his collar bone but "Terrible Tom" didn't care; after all it wasn't his collar bone. Uncle John was a "Bronze Medal Olympic winner" and was the only one who ever beat John Kelly Jr. in a "Single Shell (rowing)". Grace Kelly (who was a movie star) was John Kelly's sister (she later became Princess Grace of Monaco). I know it's "hard" "little darin" but you're going to make it. Tell you what, "Aunt Cele gave me Uncle John's "lettered sweater (real wool)" from LaSalle. If you make three pounds (3lbs), I'll give it to you. "Deal ?"